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Radiation Safety Office

Henry Ford Health System







RSO Home



RSO Personnel
RSO Training Course
RSO Monitoring (Dosimeter)
RSO Safety Committee
RSO Newsletter


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Mission: Promote the safe use of radiation in the art and science of health care through education and radiation protection practices that are efficient, compliant and defensible.

Vision: Provide each patient, employee and member of the public the protection and benefits from the use of radiation that we would want for our families and ourselves.

Values: Respect for people, high performance, learning, continuous improvement, and a social conscience.

bullet Personnel
bullet Training Course
bullet Fluoroscopy Operators Training
bullet Radiation Monitoring (Dosimeters)
bullet Radiation Safety Committee
bullet Newsletter
bullet FAQ


bullet HFHS Safety Manuals



[ Home ] RSO Personnel ] RSO Training Course ] RSO Monitoring (Dosimeter) ] RSO Safety Committee ] RSO Newsletter ] RSO FAQ ]

Copyright © 2024 / Henry Ford Health
Last modified: 08/15/05