Getting Started
Click the above link for information on getting, installing, and using the software. Also included is a FAQ section on the most common problems encountered installing and/or using the program. Please check this section before requesting additional help.
Starting the Program
Start the program as follows:
% eigentool [-cyan] [-yellow] [-rb] [partition] [partition]
where the optional partition is the location of your data files, the first for loading images and files, the next for saving images and files. The optional arguments, -cyan, -yellow, and -rb are to correct the colormaps on 24-bit displays when the program is run on an architecture that does not match the display architecure (sparc/intel). The following window will appear.
Eigentool Main Window

Eigentool is a comprehensive package that is useful in a variety of medical image analysis applications. It features integrated tools for display processing and information extraction. Click one of the links below to view information on how to use the available features in eigentool.
Main Menu
File ->
Save to save the contents of the information window to a file
Clear to clear the contents of the informaiton window.
Tools ->
Help ->
Reference to display the html-formatted help files.
The help files can also be accessed through Help buttons located on each window and dialog or on the Internet at the following URL:
You will need a program to display the html-formatted file. The program assumes netscape will be used. To select another program, set the environment variable EHELPBROWSER to the program you will be using. Include the path for the program if it is not in your search path.
About eigentool to display the verion # and copyright information
Linking Displays and Browsers
Minimizing/Maximizing Displays/Browsers
Other Features
Release Notes
Eigentool Copyright
Many of the functions used in eigentool were derived from other sources and many were developed by the staff in Radiology Research at Henry Ford. Click the above link to view most of the references for the functions within eigentool. There are also links within the help web pages to specific references for that function.
System Requirements
Operating System:
Solaris 7, 8, or 9 on a SPARC-base system.
Solaris 9 on an Intel-base system.
Display/Monitor: 256 or TrueColor display
Intel-based PC computers.
Sun Microsystems Sparc-based workstation or server.
Instructions for creating a dual-boot PC (Windows XP and Solaris 9).
Companion Programs (included in the distribution)
hfh_modify, a program to create and modify HFH format headers.
tone_mgr, a colormap program for 8-bit (PseudoColor) displays that allows multiple instances of eigentool to share a common colormap. This is not needed on 24-bit (TrueColor) displays.
update_dicom_db, add_to_dicom_db, programs to update the database used by eigentool when listing and loading Dicom files.