The following menu items will bring up a dialog with the parameters for the particular processing and buttons to begin processing. Whenever a button is pressed in one of the dialogs, an Image Selection dialog will be presented to select the images for processing. During most processing, a status indicator will appear in the Main Window as shown below.

Venograph, use this dialog to perform reconstruction on raw image data to enhance vascular structures.
Quick, use this dialog to perform restoration on images to increase the signal to Noise Ratio. Only the minimal options are displayed for the typical use of restoration.
Complete, use this dialog to perform restoration on images to increase the signal to Noise Ratio. All possible options are displayed for the most flexible use of restoration.
Orthogonal Views, use this dialog to change the image orientation (sagital, coronal, or axial)
Smooth, use this dialog to apply kernels on images.
Deformable Contour, use this dialog to deform a single contour.
Segmentation, use this dialog to apply various filters to a set of images.
Iso-Data, to separate images into their components.
Image Plot, use this dialog to plot 2-4 images, create region of interest images, and classify images.
Browsers, use this dialog to perform substance overlap processing on sets of filtered images.
Images, use this dialog to perform substance overlap processing on filtered images.
Math, use this dialog to perform various math operations on an image or set of images.
Dicom Header, use this dialog to view and modify the contents of the DICOM header for an image or set of images.
Simulations, use this dialog to create simulated images from the selected signature files.
External Programs, use this window to run external programs that accept HFH format image file names in the command line or output a list of HFH format image file names.
Registration, use this dialog to register two sets of images using contours.
Spectroscopy, use this dialog to perform spectroscopic analysis on raw spectral data.
Loading Localizer Image and Raw Spectra Files, use this dialog to load the localizer images and the associated raw spectral data.
2d FFT Processing, use this dialog to perform 2d FFT processing on each spectra.
Time Domain Processing, use this dialog to perform time domain processing on each spectra.
Display Spectral Data
Calibrate Parts Per Million Scale
Susceptibility Processing, use this dialog to align spectra to a reference spectra.
Batch Analysis Processing, use this dialog to calculate the area under the peaks of the spectra, e.g., choline, creatine, etc.
Print Functions, use this dialog to print the spectroscopy histogram to a file or printer.
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