Region of Interest/Volume of Interest Dialog
This dialog is used to create and modify regions of interest. Click on one of the following links to get more details on using the Region of Interest/Volume of Interest dialog. (reference)
Drawing Regions
Region or Volume Operation
Statistics for Regions (or Volumes) of Interest
Modify Regions (or Volumes) of Interest
Region of Interest/Volume of Interest Dialog Options
Clearing and Inverting Regions (and Volumes) of Interest
Drawing Regions
Freehand Drawing
Left button will draw points.
Middle button will erase points.
Right button will fill closed contour.
Generate a region of interest from a single, or multiple, user-selected points.
Automatic Local
Any button will draw small automatically grown region starting at selected point. |
Automatic Whole Image
Left button will create local region.
Right button will slice the entire image using the mean +- 3 standard deviations of the local region.
Automatic Interior
Any button will create interior region starting at selected point filling up to 10 x noise boundary. |
Automatic with Fill
Left button will create local region.
Right button will create connected region with pixels in the range mean +/- 3 standard deviations of the current region.
Automatic at each Point with Fill
Left button will add selected point.
Right button will create connected region with pixel in the range mean +/- 3 standard deviations for each individual point. The standard deviation is calculated from the 3x3 area around the point.
Draw, erase, and move rectangular regions.
Left button will draw rectangle.
Middle button will move/copy rectangle.
Right button will fill or erase closed contour.
Enter rows, columns for the rectangle size. If only one value is entered, a square will be assumed. |
The rectangle will be drawn in the Roi Draw Color and the right button will perform a fill operation.
The rectangle will be drawn in the Roi Erase Color and the right button will erase the contents of the rectangle.
Draw, erase, and move elliptical regions.
Left button will draw ellipse.
Middle button will move/copy ellipse.
Right button will fill or erase closed contour.
The ellipse will be drawn in the Roi Draw Color and the right button will perform a fill operation.
The ellipse will be drawn in the Roi Erase Color and the right button will erase the contents of the rectangle.
Draw and move vector regions.
Left button will draw vector.
Middle button will move/copy vector.
Right button will fill closed contour.
Draw and move arrow regions (vector with pointer at one end).
Left button will draw arrow.
Middle button will move/copy arrow.
Right button will fill closed contour.
Generate a region based on the current window/level of the image.
Left button will create a region from the displayed white gray levels.
Right button will fill closed contour.
Area to apply threshold
Select All the threshold the entire image.
Select Roi to threshold under the region of interest only.
Select Dot to threshold pixels 8-connected to the region of interest only.
Threshold (reference)
Generate a region based on a threshold applied to an image.
Left button will create a region from the pixels with a value greater than or equal to the selected threshold.
Right button will fill closed contour.
Threshold Value
Enter an optional value in Threshold, the default is the image minimum.
Area to apply threshold
Select All the threshold the entire image.
Select Roi to threshold under the region of interest only.
Select Dot to threshold pixels 8-connected to the region of interest only.
Generate a region based on a slice applied to an image..
Left button will create a region from the pixels with a value greater than or equal to the selected lower threshold and less than or equal to the selected upper threshold.
Right button will fill closed contour.
Slice Values
Enter optional slice values for Lo and Hi, the defaults are the image minimum and maximum
Area to apply slice
Select All the threshold the entire image.
Select Roi to threshold under the region of interest only.
Select Dot to threshold pixels 8-connected to the region of interest only.
Move, rotate, and fill the currently display region.
Left button will drag to move region of interest.
Middle button will drag to rotate region of interest.
Right button will fill closed contour.
Erase connected regions of interest.
Any button will erase the connected region at the cursor position.
Erase Irregular
Draw an area freehand and erase all points contained within the area.
Left button will draw points.
Middle button will erase points.
Right button will fill closed contour and remove points within the closed contour.
Contour (reference)
Generate a contour of a region based on a slice applied to an image.
Left button will erase current region and draw contour.
Middle button will draw another contour without erasing current region.
Right button will fill closed contour.
Slice Values
Enter optional slice values for Lo and Hi, the defaults are the image minimum and maximum
Interactively display and print pixel information, without modifying the region of interest.
Left button will print pixel value at selected point in the footer.
Middle button will translate image to put selected point at center of image.
Right button will print pixel value at selected point in the footer and the information window.
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Region or Volume Operation
Select Current Image to perform the functions on a single image.
Select All Images (2D) to perform the functions on all images, but only as single images.
Select All Images (3D) to perform the functions on all images as a volume.
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Statistics for Regions (or Volumes) of Interest
The gap between slices is not included in any of the following statistics, only the thickness of the slice. You can change the Slice Thickness in the Dicom Header dialog to include the gap in the calculations, if desired.
Region of Interest
Volume of Interest
Select All Images (2D or 3D) from Region or Volume Operation and press Stats to print the volume of interest statistics in the information window. The Image Selection dialog will come up for selection of image(s) and region(s). Values can be entered for an Alternate Mean and the Rank Percentiles.
Volume Statistics Output Format
Selecting Mean/Sigma/Vol/Weight will ouput the mean, standard deviation, volume, and weight for each image and the total for all images.
Selecting Mean/Sigma will output the mean and standard deviation for each image and the total for all images.
Selecting All Statistics will output all available statistics for each image and the total for all images.
Alternate Mean
Enter a value in Alternate Mean to be used in the statistics calculations in place of the true mean.
Default = true mean
Rank Percentiles
Enter the lower, upper percentile values in %, % for the rank determination.
Default = 2.5, 97.5
Surface Area
Select All Images (2D or 3D) from Region or Volume Operation and press Area to print, in the information window, the surface area of the volume of interest contours. The Image Selection dialog will come up for the selection of the images. The volume of interest for the selected browser will be used.
Select Top->Bottom to put coordinates in order from top to bottom, then left to right.
Select Left->Right to put coordinates in order from left to right, then top to bottom.
Gray Level Report
Press Report to print, in the information window, the number of pixels per gray level. The Image Selection dialog will come up for the selection of the image. The current region of interest will be used.
Temporal Statistics
Press T Stats to calculate the temporal mean and standard deviation. The Image Selection dialog will come up for the selection of image(s). The current region of interest will be used.
Mutual Information Statistics
Press MI to calculate the mutual information statistics between 2 images. The Image Selection dialog will come up for the selection of image(s). The current region of interest or the whole image can be used.
Press Similarity to calculate the similarity (100 x (# in the Intersection / # in the Union)) between 2 sets of regions of interest.
Set 1
Press Set 1 to select the region of interest files for the 1st set. Select the region of interest files in the File Load dialog.
Set 2
Press Set 2 to select the region of interest file for the 2nd set. Select the region of interest files in the File Load dialog.
Split Left/Right
Select Split Left/Right to calculate the similarity on the left side and right side separately. If not selected, the similarity will be calculated on left and right sides combined.
Press Distance to calculate the distance between 2 3-dimensional contours. The 3-dimensional contours are selected using the Set 1 and Set 2 buttons used for Similarity.
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Modify Regions (or Volumes) of Interest
Region of Interest
Select Current Image from Region or Volume Operation and press Trans to translate the region of interest on the display window by Y rows and X columns.
Volume of Interest
Select All Images (2D or 3D) from Region or Volume Operation and press Trans to translate the volume of interest on the display window by Y rows and X columns.
Region of Interest
Select Current Image from Region or Volume Operation and press Rotate to rotate the region of interest on the display window by Angle degrees.
Volume of Interest
Select All Images (2D or 3D) from Region or Volume Operation and press Rotate to rotate the volume of interest on the display window by Angle degrees.
Center Roi
Select Center Roi to rotate around center of each region of interest, otherwise, regions are rotated around the center of the image.
Region of Interest
Select Current Image from Region or Volume Operation and press Flip to flip the region of interest on the display window.
Volume of Interest
Select All Images (2D or 3D) from Region or Volume Operation and press Flip to flip the volume of interest on the display window.
Select Horizontal (or Vertical) to flip each region around a horizontal (or vertical) axis.
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