Enter up to 4 values, depending on the function, in Value. Each function details the values that are expected and their default values.
Select overwrite to overwrite the 1st set of selected images with the result images.
This option is not available with functions where the number of result images may be more than the 1st set of selected images.
Absolute Value
Press Abs to create image(s) which are the absolute value of the first selected image(s).
Add Images
Press Add to create image(s) which are the addition of the first and second selected image(s).
Add Constant to Images
Press Adk to create image(s) which are the addition of the first selected image(s) with the constant value.
Enter value to add to the image(s) in the 1st Value field.
Logical AND Images
Press And to create image(s) which are the logical "AND" of the first and second selected image(s).
Press And to create image(s) which are the logical "AND" of the first and second selected image(s). The slice values are used to create binary masks of each image (see biv). The masks are "AND"ed to Press to create the final mask, the values of the first selected image(s) are used to replace the mask.
Enter lower value in the 1st Value field, upper value in the 2nd Value field.
lower value = 1.0e-99, upper value = maximum value.
Press Ang to convert the first selected image(s) to angle image(s). It is assumed the first selected image(s) units are radians.
Logical AND Images with a Constant
Press Ank to create image(s) which are the logical "AND" of the first selected image(s) with the constant value.
Press Ank to create image(s) which are the logical "AND" of the first selected image(s) with the constant value. Entering 0 will the zero the image(s) and entering 1 will result in no change.
Enter value to and with image(s) with in the 1st Value field.
constant value = all bits 1
Arithmetic Shift Left Images
Press Asl to create image(s) from the first selected image(s) which are the arithmetically shifted left by the constant value.
Enter number of bits to shift by in the 1st Value field.
shift = 0
Arithmetic Shift Right Images
Press Asr to create image(s) from the first selected images which are arithmetically shifted right by the constant value.
Enter number of bits to shift by in the 1st Value field.
shift = 0
ArcTanget of Images
Press Atn to create image(s) which are the arc tangent of the first selected image(s).
Binary Mask Image using Region of Interest
Press Bir to create image(s) which are the binary mas of the selected image(s) using the region of interest or the windowing of the current image.
Binary Mask Images using Values
Press Biv to create image(s) which are the binary mask of the selected image(s) by slicing between two values.
Enter lower value in the 1st Value field, upper value in the 2nd Value field.
lower value = minimum value of image, upper value = maximum value of image.
Butterworth Filter on Images
Press But to create image(s) which have the butterworth filter with cosine extrapolation applied to the pixel vectors of the first selected image(s).
Enter order in the 1st Value field and cutoff in the 2nd Value field.
order = 1, cutoff = 0.125
Convolute Images
Press Cnv to create image(s) which have been convoluted from the selected image(s), using the selected signature file from the Load dialog.
Cosine Images
Press Cos to create image(s) which are converted to cosine of the angle image(s) from the first selected image(s). It is assumed the first selected image(s) have units of degrees.
Deconvolute Images
Press Dcnv to create image(s) which have been deconvoluted from the selected image(s), using the selected signature file from the Load dialog.
Desired Process Image
Press Des to create image(s) which are the binary of the selected images, cutoff at the desired mean -x standard deviations and set to a constant value.
Enter x, constant value in the constant 1st Value field.
x=2.33, constant value=1.
Divide Image by Constant
Press Dik to create image(s) which are the first selected image(s) divided by the constant value.
Enter value to divide image(s) by in the 1st Value field.
divisor = 1
Divide Images
Press Div to create image(s) which are the first selected image(s) divided by the second selected image(s).
Dilate Images
Press Dla to create image(s) which have the row and column size dilated from the first selected image(s).
Enter the dilation factor in the 1st Value field and the dilation type (i, interpolate or r, replicate) in the 2nd Value field.
dilation factor = 2, dilation type = i
Exponential (Base 10) of Images
Press E10 to create image(s) which are the exponential (base 10) of the first selected image.
Exp (Natural)
Press Exp to create image(s) which are the natural exponential of the first selected image(s).
Fast Fourier Transform Images
Press Fft to create image(s) which are the fourier transform, in the direction given by the 1st value, of the first ,and possibly second, selected image(s). The fourier transform is performed on each image in two-dimensional space.
Select 1 to not expand the fft image after it has been created.
Select 2 to double the image size of the fft image after it has been created by pushing the data to the four corners and putting zeros in the center cross area that is vacated.
Select 4 Quadruple the image size of the fft image after it has been created by pushing the data to the four corners and putting zeros in the center cross area that is vacated.
Select Mag,Ph to display result Fft images in (or use original images as) magnitude/phase form.
Select Re,Im to display result Fft images in (or use original images as) real/imaginary form.
Enter the direction (1 - forward, -1 - reverse) of the FFT in the 1st Value field.
direction = 1
Fast Fourier Transform Pixel Vectors
Press Ffv to create image(s) which are the fourier transform, in the direction given by the 1st value, of the first ,and possibly second, selected image(s). The fourier transform is performed on each pixel vector in one-dimensional space.
Select Mag,Ph to display result Fft images in (or use original images as) magnitude/phase form.
Select Re,Im to display result Fft images in (or use original images as) real/imaginary form.
Enter the direction (1 - forward, -1 - reverse) of the FFT in the 1st Value field.
direction = 1
Flip Images
Press Flp to create image(s) which have been flipped from the first selected image(s).
Enter axis (h - horizontal, v - vertical) to flip around in the 1st Value field.
axis = h (horizontal)
Formula on Images
Press For to create image(s) which are the formula of the selected image(s) using the formula entered in the Value field.
Enter lower value in 1st Value field, upper value in 2nd Value field, operation (+,-,*,/,=) in the 3rd Value field, and the operation value in the 4th Value field.
lower value = minimum value, upper value = maximum value, operation = "*", operation value = maximum value.
Gaussian Filter on Images
Press Gau to create images which have been smoothed in the temporal direction using a gaussian filter.
Enter iterations in the 1st Value field, sigma in the 2nd Value field, and wraparound in the 3rd Value field.
iterations = 1, sigma = 0.125, wraparound = false.
Histogram Equalize Images
Press Heq to create image(s) which are histogram equalized from the first selected image(s).
Enter the histogram equalization method (1, 2, or 3) in the 1st Value field.
method = 1
Half-tone Images
Press Hft to create image(s) which are half-tone binary image(s) of the first selected image(s).
Interpolate Images
Press Int to create images which are interpolated horizontally, vertically, or both across low values.
Enter threshold in the 1st Value field, wraparound (true, false) in the 2nd Value field, and direction (h - horizontal, v - vertical, b - both) in the 3rd Value field.
threshold = 0.0, wraparound = true, direction = both.
Interpolate Images
Press Int2 to create images which are interpolated horizontally, vertically, or both.
Enter direction (h - horizontal, v - vertical, b - both) in the 1st Value field.
direction = both.
Invert Images
Press Inv to create image(s) which are the inverse of the first selected image(s).
Levenberg-Marquardt Fit on Images
Press Lmf to create image(s) which have been fitted in the temporal direction with 2 gaussian signatures added together.
Natural Log of Images
Press Ln to create image(s) which are the natural log of the first selected image(s).
Log (Base 10) of Images
Press Log to create image(s) which are the Log (base 10) of the first selected image(s).
Logical Shift Left Images
Press Lsl to create image(s) which are the logically shifted left of the first selected image(s) by the constant value.
Enter number of bits to shift by in the 1st Value field.
shift = 0
Logical Shift Right Images
Press Lsr to create image(s) which are the logically shifted right of the first selected image(s) by the constant value.
Enter number of bits to shift by in the 1st Value field.
shift = 0
Maximum Value of Images
Press Max to create image(s) which are the maximum value between the first and second selected image(s).
Maximum Intensity Pixel
Press Mip to create image(s) which have the maximum value for each pixel location of the selected images. The selected images are rotated around th Z, Y, and X axis' before te maximum value is determined. If the Rotation Increment is 0, only the Start Rotation is used, otherwise, the images are rotated up to 360.0. The images will be rotated by starting at the Start Rotation and then incrementing by the Rotation Increment up to 360.0.
Enter the Z Start Rotation, Z Rotation Increment in the 1st Value field. Enter the Y Start Rotation, Y Rotation Increment in the 2nd Value field. Enter the X Start Rotation, X Rotation Increment in the 3rd Value field.
Start Rotation, Rotation Increment = 0,0
Maximum Value of a Set of Images
Press MaxS to create image(s) which are the maximum value for each pixel location of the selected images.
Minimum Value of Images
Press Min to create image(s) which are the minimum value between the first and second selected image(s).
Minimum Value of a Set of Images
Press MinS to create image(s) which have the minimum value for each pixel location of the selected images.
Multi-Resolution Pyramid of Images
Press Mrp to create image(s) which are the multi-resolution pyramid of the first selected image(s). A multi-resolution pyramid is a sequence of images where each image is reduced by a factor of 2 from the previous image.
Enter iterations in 1st Value field and type (s - sample, a - average, w - weighted average, m - maximum) in the 2nd Value field.
iterations = 1, type = s.
Convert FFT Format of Images
Press M-R to create image(s) which are the alternate representation of fft images of the first selected image(s). The conversion allows Magnitude,Phase <-> Real,Imaginary.
Enter conversion (m - to Magnitude,Phase, r - to Real,Imaginary) in the 1st Value field.
conversion = m.
Multiply Images
Press Mul to create image(s) which are the multiplication of the first and second selected images.
Multiply Images by Constant
Press Muk to create image(s) which are the multiplication of the constant value and the first selected image(s).
Enter value to multiply image(s) by in the 1st Value field.
multiplier = 1.
Normalize Images by Mean
Press NM to create image(s) which are the normalized by the mean, under the region(s) of interest, of each of the first selected image(s).
Logical NOT of Images
Press Not to create image(s) which are the logical "NOT" of the first selected image(s).
Press Not to create image(s) which have a range set to zero of the first selected image(s).
Enter lower value in the 1st Value field, upper value in the 2nd Value field.
lower value = 1.0e-99, upper value = maximum value.
Logical OR Images
Press Or to create image(s) which are the logical "OR" of the first and second selected image(s).
Press Or to create image(s) which are the logical "OR" of the first and second selected image(s). The slice values are used to Press to create binary masks of each image (see biv). The masks are "OR"ed to Press to create the final mask, the values of the first selected image(s), followed by the values of the second selected image(s), if the first value is zero, are used to replace the mask.
Enter lower value in the 1st Value field, upper value in the 2nd Value field.
lower value = 1.0e-99, upper value = maximum value.
Logical OR Images with a Constant
Press Ork to create image(s) which are the logical "OR" of the first selected image(s) with the constant value.
Press Ork to create image(s) which are the logical "OR" of the first selected image(s) with the constant value. This operation essentially results in no change in the image(s).
Enter lower value in the 2nd Value field, upper value in the 3rd Value field.
lower value = 1.0e-99, upper value = maximum value.
Enter value to OR the image(s) with in the 1st Value field.
Pad Images with Zeros to make the Dimensions Square
Press Pad to create image(s), from the selected image(s), which have square dimensions.
Raise Images to a Power
Press Pow to create image(s) which are the first selected image(s) raised to a constant value.
Enter power to raise image(s) by in the 1st Value field.
power = 1.
Quandrant Swap Images
Press Qsw to create image(s) which have the first and fourth quadrants and the second and third quadrants swapped from the selected image(s).
Reduce Images
Press Red to create image(s) which have the row and column size reduced from the selected image(s).
Enter the reduction factor in the 1st Value field and type (a - average or s - sample) in the 2nd Value field.
reduction = 2, type = a.
Combine Red, Green, and Blue into a Truecolor Image
Press Rgb to creates a color image from the three selected images as red, green, and blue, with increasing values having more intensity. Press Rgbi to creates a color image from the three selected images as red, green, and blue, with decreasing values having more intensity. Dithering can be used to simulate greater color depth.
Enter lower percentage cutoff in 1st Value field, upper percentage cutoff in 2nd Value field, and dither factor in the 3rd Value field.
lower percentage = none, upper percentage = none, dither = 0.0.
Rotate Images
Press Rot to create image(s) which have been rotated from the first selected image(s).
Enter angle in the 1st Value field.
angle = 0.
Subimage Images
Press Sbi to create image(s) which are the subimage of the selected image(s) under the region of interest. The region of interest can be used as a single mask or as multiple masks to create several images.
Enter subimage operation (r - reduce and center, m - mask) in the 1st Value field and region of interest operation (s - single, m - multiple) in the 2nd Value field..
subimage operation = m, region of interest operation = s.
Scale Images
Press Scl to create image(s) which are scaled from the mean of the desired process (or the maximum value if desired process is not available) to the constant value.
Enter image type (i - integer, f - floating point) in the 1st Value field, and the scale to value in the 2nd Value field.
image type = f, scale to value = 1.
Slice Images
Press Sli to create images which are the slice of the selected image(s) set to zero below lower value and above upper value.
Enter lower value in the 1st Value field and upper value in the 2nd Value field.
lower value = minimum value, upper value= maximum value.
Split Truecolor images into Red, Green, and Blue
Press Splt to create image(s) which are the red, green, and blue components of the first selected image(s).
Square Root of Images
Press Sqr to create image(s) which are the square root of the first selected image(s).
Subtract Images
Press Sub to create image(s) which are the second selected image(s) subtracted from the first selected image(s).
Subtract Constant from Images
Press Suk to create image(s) which are the constant value subtracted from the first selected image(s).
Enter the value to subtract from the image(s) in the 1st Value field.
Sum a Set of Images
Press Sum to create an image which is the sum of the selected images.
Sum every N images in a Set
Press SumN to create image(s) which are the sum of every N images from the first selected image to the second selected image, skipping S images in between.
Enter N in the 1st Value field and S in the 2nd Value field.
N = 1, S = 1.
Swap Bytes in Images
Press Swa to create image(s) which have the bytes swapped from the first selected image(s).
Switch Data Type for Images
Press Swi to create image(s) which have their image data type of the first selected image(s) converted to a new image data type.
Enter # bits/pixel,data type in the 1st Value field Valid entries are 8i, 16i, 32i, 32f, and 64f, the number corresponds to the number of bits per pixel and i/f specifies integer or floating point.
new data type = old data type.
Threshold Images
Press Thr to create image(s) which are the threshold of the selected image(s) set to zero below the lower value.
Enter lower value in the 1st Value field.
lower value = minimum value
Translate Images
Press Trl to create image(s) which are the translated from the selected image(s) using the row and column shift values. Pixels will roll around the image.
Enter row shift, column shift in the Value field.
row shift = 0, column shift = 0
UnScale Images
Press UnS to un-scale eigenimages that were saved as 16-bit integer. The images are divided by the Rescale Slope value in the Dicom header.
There will be round off error and if the images are to be used in quantitative analysis, the original floating point eigenimages should be used.
Window Images
Press Win to create a permanently windowed image of the current image.
Exclusive-OR Images with a Constant
Press Xok to create image(s) which are the logical "eXclusive-OR" of the first selected image(s) with the constant value.
Press Xok to create image(s) which are the logical "eXclusive-OR" of the first selected image(s) with the constant value.
Enter value to exclusive-or the image(s) with in the 1st Value field.
constant value = all bits 0
Exclusive-OR Images
Press Xor to create image(s) which are the logical "eXclusive-OR" of the first and second selected image(s).
Press Xor to create image(s) which are the logical "eXclusive-OR" of the first and second selected image(s). The slice values are used to Press to create binary masks of each image (see biv). The masks are "eXclusive-OR"ed to Press to create the final mask, the values of the first selected image(s), followed by the values of the second selected image(s) ,if first value is zero, are used to replace the mask.
Enter lower value in the 1st Value field and upper value in the 2nd Value field.
lower value = 1.0e-99, upper value= maximum value.
Extend Images
Press Xtnd to create image(s), from the selected image(s), which have had images added temporally, using and sinea sine or exponential function, to bring the last value in line with the first value.
Enter length in the 1st Value field and type (s - sine, e - exponential) in the 2nd Value field.
length = power of 2 greater than original length, type = s
Zoom Images
Press Zoo to create image(s) which are magnified up or down from the first selected image(s) by a percentage. The matrix size stay the same size and are magnified with the center unmoved.
Enter a percentage to zoom the image in the 1st Value field. To magnify image use value greater than 100, to shrink use value less than 100. Fractional percentages will be accepted, i.e., 84.7.
percentage = 100
Macro Operations
Press Cancel to remove the Math dialog.
Press Help to display help for the Math dialog.