Image Load Dialog

This dialog is used to load, compress, uncompress, and delete images. Click on the image above to display the dialog actual size. Click on any of the items below for detailed instructions.
Images that are loaded into eigentool should have specific required elements. The Dicom Header dialog can be used to view the elements that were determined from the image file. Images from medical scanners (MRI, CT, etc) generally have this information, but images created using a photo, film, or other non-medical scanner probably do not.
Most of the settings for the Image Load Dialog can be set through a resource file that is loaded at the start of the program.
Compress Images
If necessary, Enter the Partition.
Select the desired Path.
Select a Format.
Unselect Compressed.
Limit the studies shown by using the Study Filter fields. Change the order of the studies using the Study Sort buttons.
Select Studies.
Limit the images shown by using the Image Filter fields. Change the order of the images using the Image Sort buttons.
Select Images, if not all should be compressed
Press Compress. If no images are selected, all will be compressed.
Uncompress Images
If necessary, Enter the Partition.
Select the desired Path.
Select a Format.
Select Compressed.
Limit the studies shown by using the Study Filter fields. Change the order of the studies using the Study Sort buttons.
Select Studies.
Limit the images shown by using the Image Filter fields. Change the order of the images using the Image Sort buttons.
Select Images, if not all should be uncompressed
Press UnCompress. If no images are selected, all will be uncompressed.
Delete Images
If necessary, Enter the Partition.
Select the desired Path.
Select a Format.
Select any options for List Images.
Unselect Compressed.
Limit the studies shown by using the Study Filter fields. Change the order of the studies using the Study Sort buttons.
Select Studies.
Limit the images shown by using the Image Filter fields. Change the order of the images using the Image Sort buttons.
Select Images, if not all should be deleted
Press Delete. If no images are selected, all will be deleted.
Dialog Items
This text entry and menu allows the user to enter a partition and select any Path within that partition.
To change partitions, highlight and overwrite the current selection and hit Enter. Use the menu provided to select a Path within that partition.
This selects any path within the user-selected Partition. Use the menu provided to select the path. (See Format for detailed directory structure information)
This selection allows the user to specify which image format the images are in. Each format displays the directory structure that is expected, items in bold should exist with the exact spelling. The Path selected in the Image Load Dialog is used in place of path below.
Select Signa for General Electric Signa format images
path/signa_idbm/scanner level/patient level/study level/series level/image level
Select Genesis for General Electric Genesis format images
path/GINX/GENESIS/scanner level/patient level/study level/series level/image level
Select Hfh for Henry Ford Hospital format images
path/hfh_idbm/patient level/image level
Select DICOM for Dicom format images
path/dicom_idbm/study level/series level/image level
path/image level
Select Vicom for Vicom format images
path/vicom_idbm/patient level/image level
Select Spect for Genesis spectroscopy format images
path/spect_idbm/study level/series level/image level
Select Bruker for Bruker format images
path/bruker_idbm/experiment level/
Select Unknown for any format file with non-compressed image data of known size and data type with an optional header at the beginning..
List Images
If selected, List Images so they may be selected individually, only those selected will be loaded. If no Images are selected, all will be loaded.
If not selected, Images will not be displayed, a count of Images for the selected studies will be displayed instead. All Images will be loaded.
If selected, the sort buttons for the Image list will be enabled.
If not selected, the sort buttons for the image list will be ignored.
Swap Image Data
If selected, the bytes will be swapped in the image data after it is read in.
If not selected, the image data will be read in and not modified.
If selected, the compressed Images will be displayed.
If not selected, the uncompressed Images will be displayed.
Select one of 1, 2, 3, 4 from Browser to indicate which browser the images will be loaded into. If images are already in the selected browser, the loaded images will be added to the end.
This list is used to select the Images that are displayed. Only images for the selected Studies are displayed. If you are unable to see all of a field, select the box and press the arrow keys.
Use on the following buttons to sort the study list. Pressing the same sort button twice will reverse the order.
Press Last Name to sort the studies by the patient's last name.
Press First Name to sort the studies by the patient's first name.
Press ID to sort the studies by the patient's medical record number.
Press Mod to sort the studies by modality.
Press Study Date to sort the studies by the study date.
Press Study to sort the studies by the study number.
Press Series to sort the studies by the series number.
Press # Images to sort the studies by the number of images in each study. The information displayed is # images uncompressed/# images compressed.
Press Description to sort the studies by the study description.
Enter a wild card selection string in any field below a sort button to limit the studies listed. The filter will apply to the field indicated by the button above the filter. Enter any combination of letters, numbers, * (match one or more characters), ? (match single character), and [] (match single character to contents of brackets). Press <Enter> or <Return> to activate the filter. You can enter filters in multiple fields, if desired.
This list is used to select images to load, compress, uncompress, or delete. If you are unable to see all of a field, select the box and press the arrow keys.
See List Images, and Compressed for options that modify the display of this list.
Use on the following buttons to sort the image list. Pressing the same sort button twice will reverse the order.
Press Last Name to sort the images by the patient's last name.
Press First Name to sort the images by the patient's first name.
Press Study to sort the images by the study number.
Press Series to sort the images by the series number.
Press Image to sort the images by the image number.
Press Loctn to sort the images by location.
Press Thick to sort the images by slice thickness.
Press TE to sort the images by echo time.
Press TR to sort the images by recovery time.
Press TI to sort the images by inversion time.
Press Description to sort the images by the study description.
This is disabled when Sort is not selected.
Enter a wild card selection string in any field below a sort button to limit the images listed. The filter will apply to the field indicated by the button above the filter. Enter any combination of letters, numbers, * (match one or more characters), ? (match single character), and [] (match single character to contents of brackets). Press <Enter> or <Return> to activate the filter. You can enter filters in multiple fields, if desired.
Press Load to load the selected Images. If no Images are selected, all will be loaded.
Press Compress to compress the selected Images. If no Images are selected, all will be compressed. Compressed must not be selected.
Press Uncompress to uncompress the selected Images. If no compressed Images are selected, all will be uncompressed. Compressed must be selected.
Press Delete to delete the selected Images. If no Images are selected, all will be deleted. If no filters are used when no Images are selected, the entire series directory (non-HFH) or patient directory (HFH) will also be deleted.
Update Dicom
Press Update Dicom to rebuild the dicom database for the selected Path. The database is created if it does not exist. All entries with missing files will be deleted, then all new files will be added (determined by checking a database timestamp).
Select All Files to update the database by rebuilding it from scratch and checking all files.
Combine Series
Press Combine Series to create a single series that will contain the selected images that should be grouped together. Copies of the selected images will be created and will all be assigned the same Dicom Series UID.
The original image files will be deleted.
Press Cancel to remove dialog.
Press Help for on-line help (HTML)
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