Spatial to plot the number of pixels per gray level for a region, or volume, of interest.
Horizontal to plot the average gray level for each column of a region of interest.
Vertical to plot the average gray level for each row of a region of interest.
Temporal to plot the average gray level, over a region of interest, for each image.
Spectroscopy to plot the height of each spectra. See View->Spectra for different Spectroscopy histograms and Spectroscopy Only options for operations on the histogram.
Calculating Using
Current Image to calculate the histogram using the currently selected image. |
All Images to calculate the histogram using all the images from the currently selected browser. |
Get Region(s) From
Current Region in Current Browser to calculate the histogram using the region of interest on the currently selected image in the currently selected browser, for any image in any browser. |
Current Region in Each Browser to calculate the histogram using the region of interest on the currently selected image in each browser, for any image in that browser. |
All Regions in Current Browser to calculate the histogram using the region of interest on each image in the currently selected browser, for each image in any browser. |
All Regions in Each Browser to calculate the histogram using the region of interest of each image in each browser. |
Gaussian assumes a gaussian distribution in the histogram when calculating means and standard deviations. |
Chi-Square assumes a chi-square distribution in the histogram when calculating means and standard deviations. |
480 x 640 to set the histogram viewing area to 480 rows by 640 columns. |
256 x 256 to set the histogram viewing area to 256 rows by 256 columns. |
256 x 512 to set the histogram viewing area to 256 rows by 512 columns. |
256 x 1024 to set the histogram viewing area to 256 rows by 1024 columns. |
380 x 760 to set the histogram viewing area to 380 rows by 760 columns. |
512 x 512 to set the histogram viewing area to 512 rows by 512 columns. |
512 x 1024 to set the histogram viewing area to 512 rows by 1024 columns. |
Bar to display the data points as vertical bars rising from the x axis. |
Connect to connect the data points with a single-width line. |
Points to display the data points as dots. |
Single to display a single spectra with a reference spectra, if it exists.
Grid to display multiple spectra, each in its own grid.
Stack to display multiple spectra, stacked in the same plot. See Y,X offset on how to separate each spectra on its own axis'.
Y Axis
Linear to use a linear scale for the Y axis. |
Log to use a log scale for the Y axis. |
Exponential to use an exponential scale for the Y axis. |
Squared to use a squared scale for the Y axis. |
Square Root to use a square root scale for the Y axis. |
Cubed to use a cubed scale for the Y axis. |
Cube Root to use a cube root scale for the Y axis. |
X Axis
Gray Level to calculate and display the average gray level versus the row/column position. |
# of Pixels to calculate and display the the number of pixels versus the row/column position. |
Label to toggle on/off the display of a label on the histogram.
Raw File to toggle on/off the display of the raw file name on the histogram.
Name to toggle on/off the display of the patient name on the histogram.
MRN to toggle on/off the display of the patient medical record number on the histogram.
Coordinates to toggle on/off the display of the region of interest coordinates on the histogram.
Date to toggle on/off the display of the date on the histogram.
Study Date to toggle on/off the display of the study date on the histogram.
Location to toggle on/off the display of the location on the histogram. (See key shortcuts 'L')
Zero Line to toggle on/off the display of a zero line on the histogram.
Box to toggle on/off the display of a box around the histogram.
2 Cursors to toggle on/off the display of 2 cursors on the histogram.
Reference Lines to toggle on/off the display of the lines indicating the reference peaks. (See key shortcuts 'R')
X-Axis to enable or disable the display of the x-axis.
Cursor Set Range to enable or disable using the cursors to set the Y Min and Max and X Min and Max. Auto Scale overrides this option for the Y Min and Max.
On Image to enable or disable the display of a Horizontal Histogram or Vertical Histogram on the Display Image.
Color to select the colors to use to display the histogram. (See key shortcuts 'c')
Color to display a histogram in color using black, white, Roi Draw Color, and Roi Erase Color, black is used for the axis and light grey is used for the background.
Monochrome to display a histogram in black, white and 2 gray levels, with black for the axis and light gray for the background.
Black and White to display a histogram with a white background and black for the axis and histogram.
Auto Scale to toggle between manual scaling or automatic scaling of the histogram data. Automatic scaling will set the Y Min and Max to the minimum and maximum of the histogram data between the X Min and Max. (See key shortcuts 's')
Smooth to enable or disable the smoothing of histogram data using a butterworth filter (See Butterworth Filter to set the values for the butterworth filter).