If you would like to request the software, use the form on https://www.radiologyresearch.org/software_request.htm. You will receive instructions for downloading the software via ftp. You will receive a file, eigentool.tar.Z. To install the program, you will need root privileges:
% cp eigentool.tar.Z /opt
A directory other than /opt may be used, such as /usr/local.
% cd /opt
replace /opt with the directory where you extracted the files.
% uncompress eigentool.tar.Z
% tar xvf eigentool.tar
To make the program and on-line help available, do the following (as root):
% dtappintegrate -s <installation directory>
where the <installation directory> is the path where the files were extracted from the tar archive, including the eigentool directory. For instance, if you
extracted the files in /opt, your installation directory would be /opt/eigentool.
Each user that would like to access the program will need to set the following
environment variables:
which will be set to <installation directory>, e.g (depending on shell):
setenv EINSTALLDIR /opt/eigentool
EINSTALLDIR=/opt/eigentool; export EINSTALLDIR
which will be set to the <program> you are using to view html-formatted files. The default is netscape. Also, you can specify that a currently running netscape be used, by adding -remote after <program>. Do not use the -remote option if you do not have netscape running already. Include the path for the program if it is not in your searchpath, e.g. (depending on shell):
setenv EHELPBROWSER "/usr/local/bin/netscape -remote"
EHELPBROWSER="/usr/local/bin/netscape -remote"; export EHELPBROWSER
Additionally, the the following environment variables need modification:
add /usr/dt/lib to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable
You will need to find the libsunmath.so.1 library on your system and add folder it is located in to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable.
add $EINSTALLDIR/bin to your PATH variable
limit core 0
unlimit stacksize
Below are listed the typical formats that users may have or can convert their format to. For each format, path is the directory the user supplied to the program at the command line or in the Image Load dialog. The directories in bold, must exist as shown. The remaining directories do not have a specific naming convention, except where noted.
path/signa_idbm/scanner level/patient level/study level/series level/image level
scanner level should be a 3 character alphanumeric string
patient level should be a 9 character numeric string
study level should be a 5 character numeric string
series level should be a 3 character numeric string
image level files should be named I.???, where ??? is a 3 character numeric string
path/GINX/GENESIS/scanner level/patient level/study level/series level/image level
scanner level should be a 3 character alphanumeric string
patient level should be a 9 character numeric string
study level should be a 5 character numeric string
series level should be a 3 character numeric string
image level files should be named I.???, where ??? is a 3 character numeric string
path/hfh_idbm/patient level/image level
Click the HFH link for details on how the image level files can be named and also how to create the HFH files from another format.
path/dicom_idbm/study level/series level/image level
path/image level
There are many options in the program that can be customized by the user through the user resource settings. For details on how to use this option, click on User Resources.
I installed the program, but I get the message "eigentool cannot be found."
Verify that all the user environment variables have been set. All environment variables are listed under Environment Variables above.
When I bring up the Image Load dialog, the study list displays "No Studies."
There are no images where eigentool can find them. Check Directory Structure for Images to be sure you have images where eigentool can find them.
The colormap on the Display Window is yellow or bluish-green, not gray.
You are running eigentool on a display, whose underlying architecture is different that the archictecture of the system running the program. This only occurs when using Solaris on both the display architecture and the architecture of the system running the program. To correct for this, use the -yellow or -cyan option on the command line when starting eigentool.