Save Settings
All current settings in the program are saved in the resource file, .eigentool (See User Resources for details on resources, only those listed can be saved). The resource file has the following lines:
Eigentool*permanent_resource_name1: permanent_resource_value1
Eigentool*permanent_resource_name2: permanent_resource_value2
. . .
Eigentool*permanent_resource_namen: permanent_resource_valuen
Eigentool*resource_name1: resource_value1
Eigentool*resource_name2: resource_value2
. . .
Eigentool*resource_namen: resource_valuen
All resources before the REPLACEABLE RESOURCES comment line are kept. Any resources after that line are replaced with the current setting in the program.
Font resources should be in the permanent section or else they will be lost. Load/Save, Regions of Interest, Display, Browser, and Analysis resources can be in the replaceable or permanent section.