Display Window

This window is used to display images, create and modify regions of interest, and display pixel information. The Browser window is used to select images to be displayed in this window.
Most of the settings for the Display Window can be set through a resource file that is loaded at the start of the program.
Display Use
On the Image
Moving the mouse over the image will display the pixel coordinates and image pixel value in the footer of the display window. If Spectroscopy processing is being done, the spectra coordinates and the image pixel value will be displayed in the footer of the display window.
Use the left mouse button displays information about the pixel the cursor is over, in the footer.
Use the middle mouse button will select a pixel for display in the Spectroscopy Histogram.
Use the right mouse button to display information about the pixel the cursor is over, in the footer. It also prints the information in a separate window.
Use the 'f, Home, or up arrow keys to display the first image.
Use the 'l', End, or down arrow keys to display the last image.
Use the 'n', > or right arrow keys to display the next image. If pressed when the last image is displayed, the first image will be displayed.
Use the 'p', < or left arrow keys to display the previous image. If pressed when the first image is displayed, the last image will be displayed.
Use the 'c' key to display the center image.
Enter a number and press Enter to display the that image.
Use the 'm' key to minimize the display and browser.
Use the 'X' key to delete the display and browser.
Use the 'e' key to change the roi color to the next in the list.
Use the 'a' key to change the annotation color to the next in the list.
Use the 'b' key, pressed twice, to switch between blind and non-blind annotation.
Use the 'N' key to enable or disable displaying negative values.
Use the 'h' key to set the window function to High/Low.
Use the 'w' key to set the window function to Window/Level.
Use the 'g' key to set the colormap to grayscale.
Use the 'G' key to set the graticule color to the next in the list.
Use the 't' key to set the colormap to thermal.
Use the 'i' key to set the display scale to scale each image.
Use the 'S' key to enable or disable smoothing the display image.
Use the 's' key to set the display scale to scale all images to the maximum range of the images.
Use the '+' key to increase the display image zoom.
Use the '-' key to decrease the display image zoom.
Spectroscopy only options
Use the 'l' key to move one spectral point to the left.
Use the 'r' key to move one spectral point to the right.
Use the 'u' key to move one spectral point up.
Use the 'd' key to move one spectral point down.
Use the 'o' key to turn on/off the susceptibility correction for the pixel.
Use the left or right arrow keys to shift a spectra left or right 1 position.
The mouse button operation will change if the Region of Interest/Volume of Interest Window is displayed.
Window/Level Bar
This bar is used to display the current colormap being applied to the displayed images. It can also be used to set the minimum and maximum displayed pixel values or the width and center of the displayed pixel value. The operation of this bar is dependent on the setting for Window Function. Changing the width and center will also update the Window Center/Width in the Dicom header.
Window/Level Entries
These entries are used to display and set the minimum and maximum displayed pixel values or the width and center of the displayed pixel values. The type of entries displayed is dependent on the setting for Window Function. Changing these values will also update the Window Center/Width in the Dicom header.
Low/High, Enter the minimum and maximum pixel values to display. |
Window/Level, Enter the width and center of the pixel values to display. |
Press X on the lower left of the image to delete all images from the Browser Window. (See key shortcuts 'X')
Press - to minimize the display and browser. (See key shortcuts 'm')
Press 1, 2, 3, or 4, corresponding to the display/browser number, to maximize the display and browser. These buttons will be shown in the Toolbar when the corresponding display and browser is minimized.
These operations can also be performed from the Region of Interest/Volume of Interest Window.
Options->Display Menu
Scale to change the relationship of scaling to the other images. (See key shortcuts 's', 'i'')
Zoom to change the size of the displayed image. (See key shortcuts '+', '-')
1/16 will display the image as 1/16 of its actual size.
1/8 will display the image as 1/8 of its actual size.
1/4 will display the image as 1/4 of its actual size.
1/2 will display the image as 1/2 of its actual size
1 will display the image as its actual size
2 will display the image 2 times its actual size
4 will display the image 4 times its actual size
8 will display the image 8 times its actual size
16 will display the image 16 times its actual size
Display Method to change the smoothing of the displayed image.
Sample/Replicate will sample pixels if the image size displayed is smaller than the actual size and replicate pixels if the image size displayed is larger than the actual size.
Ave/Int will average pixels if the image size displayed is smaller than the actual size and interpolate pixels if the image size displayed is larger than the actual size.
Avg/Bic will average pixels if the image size displayed is smaller than the actual size and interpolate pixels, using Bi-Cubic splines, if the image size displayed is larger than the actual size.
Split Display to change how many images appear in the Display Window.
1 will display 1 image in the Display Window.
2x2 will display 4 images in the Display Window as a 2x2 grid.
4x4 will display 16 images in the Display Window as a 4x4 grid.
8x8 will display 64 images in the Display Window as a 8x8 grid.
16x16 will display 256 images in the Display Window as a 16x16 grid.
32x32 will display 1024 images in the Display Window as a 32x32 grid.
Display All to fill a split display will all available images from the browser.
Colormap to change the colors used to display images. Window Form modifies, the interpretation of this colormap. (See key shortcuts 't', 'g'')
Window Function to change the functionality of the window/level bar. (See key shortcuts 'h', 'w')
Select High/Low to use the left mouse to set the maximum pixel value and the right mouse button to set the minimum pixel value on the Window/Level Bar. Press or press and hold the mouse buttons to perform any changes. The Window/Level Entries will be for the Low and High displayed pixel values.
Select Window/Level to use the left mouse to increase/decrease the range of pixel values and the right mouse button to change the center pixel value on the Window/Level Bar. Press and hold the mouse buttons to perform any changes. The Window/Level Entries will be for the Width(Window) and Center(Level) of the display pixel values.
Window Form to change the function of the colormap. All pixel values below the minimum displayed pixel value will be displayed the same as the minimum displayed pixel value. All pixel values above the maximum displayed pixel value will be displayed the same as the maximum displayed pixel value. Use the Window/Level Bar or Window/Level Entries to set the minimum and maximum displayed pixel values.
Select Ramp to use a linearly increasing colormap.
Select Sawtooth to use a linearly increasing colormap, but display the maximum displayed pixel value as black.
Select Square to use black for the minimum displayed pixel value and black for the maximum displayed pixel value. All displayed pixel values in-between will displayed as white.
Select Reverse to use a linearly decreasing colormap, using white for the minimum displayed pixel value and black for the maximum displayed pixel value.
Select Shark Fin to use a linearly decreasing colormap, using black for the minimum displayed pixel value and black for the maximum displayed pixel value.
Annotate to change the color used for annotation on the the display images. This is used to display information about the image, including patient, study, series, etc, unless in the Spectroscopy dialog with the graticule option. In the Spectroscopy dialog with the graticule option, this is used to label the rows and columns of the spectra corresponding to the image. (See key shortcuts 'a', 'b')
Graticule to change the colors used to draw graticules on the display images. For spectroscopy processing, the outline of each spectra point is drawn on the image, with row, column positions indicated on the border of the image using the annotation color. For all other processing, an X, Y axis is drawn with tick marks through the center of the image. (See key shortcuts 'G')
Cursor to change the color of the cursor on the display images.
Negative to enable or disable the display of negative values. (See key shortcuts 'N')
Smooth to enable or disable the smoothing of images before display. (See key shortcuts 'S')
Browser Window

This window is used to view and select images for the Display Window. Images are loaded into the browser through the Image Load Dialog or as a result of Image Analysis. These images can be analyzed individually or as a group.
Most of the settings for the Browser Window can be set through a resource file that is loaded at the start of the program.
See View->Show Images As-> on how to set the Browser Use to None.
Options->Browser Menu
Show Images As->
See Browser Use for how this options affects the Browser Window
Select Window/Level to enable applying the window/level of the Display Window to the Browser Window.
Select Roi/Voi to enable the display of the region (and volume) of interest on the Browser Window images.
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